&hint1=I am a 20th century oil painting by Jackson Pollock& &hint2=I was created by dripping, pouring, and splattering paint onto the canvas& &hint3=I represent one of the two main trends in Abstract Expressionist painting& &hint4=I was created in a rhythmic style known as "gestural abstraction"& &choices=Interior view of Rothko Chapel;Photograph of 'The Irascibles';Green on Blue;Guardians of the Secret;Autumn Rhythm No. 30;The City Square& &answer=Autumn Rhythm No. 30& &search=Autumn Rhythm 30 Pollock& &title=Autumn Rhythm No. 30& &artist=Jackson Pollock& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1950& &location=The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York& &dimensions=8'9" x 17'3"&